What to expect in a hobby box:
Refractors – 1
Gold Refractors – 1
Jumbo Box Toppers – 1
Autographs aren’t a focal point in Finest Flashbacks, but there are some lurking in packs. Base Autographs are 1:108 packs, which works out to approximately every sixth box. Autograph parallels include: Refractors (/20), Gold Refractors (/15), Orange Refractors (/10), Red Refractors (/5) and Superfractors (1/1).
Each hobby box guarantees one Refractor. But in another instance of making it more inline with modern sets, there are additional colors as well:
Gold Refractors – /50
Black Refractors – /25
Red Refractors – /10
Superfractors – 1/1
The base set totals 199 cards, another nod to the original set. It’s all current players as well as more than 30 rookies.